To sign up, simply go to our Registration page to register for free today.
Please be sure to fill out all information to the best of your knowledge!
Some tips: Measurements can be taken for free at various retail stores including Victoria Secrets, Mens Warehouse, and many others. Please double check your phone number and email!
Photo Uploads:
Please submit two digital photos. Currently, directors want real photos, so professional headshots cannot be accepted. Your photos must be shot against a white or best light colored background. Please let the photos depict your type. For instance, if you are young, hip and trendy, then take a photo showing that. If you are an upscale or business type man or woman, then make sure you wear a suit and if you have a very fit body and would like to be a “beachgoer”, then make sure you are submitting pictures in a bikini or board shorts as well as a regular style photo.
If you feel you fit into “three looks” please make sure your three photos reflect this (for example; one suit and one young and hip) but make sure you do not submit more than three photos, If you fit only one “type” category, then all photos should depict this type.
Photo Examples:

You should be facing the camera for both photos. The photos should be taken facing the camera, from the waist up. Please do not submit side profile picture. Only front facing photos will be accepted. Please try not to be too expressive in the picture. Just a normal expression on your face will be most helpful when we cast. Please do not wear a hat or sunglasses or use any props in the photos.
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Have questions about registration, or your profile? Contact our Support Team.